Articles in this series
What if you want to install multiple Neovim distributions like NvChad, LunarVim, AstroNvim, LazyVim, etc. while also keeping your custom Neovim config...
To search for the word 'expense' /\<expense\> / - search \< - word begins \> - word ends \ is acting as the escape character.
Vim mappings - to map keys on your keyboard to specific Vim actions Basics Open Vim and type :map <space> diw The above mapping maps space key to diw...
In insert mode, use ctrl+o to go to normal mode for just one command: ctrl+o h - move cursor left ctrl+o l - move cursor right ctrl+o j - move cursor...
Using the very popular vim-surround plugin, we can accomplish this task easily. Here, we have five anchor tags. <a href="#">Home</a> <a...
To Yank an entire HTML element, there are two easy ways: yat vaty